Three Sketches
Sketch One: This logo represents the name "Hamza Q" an adverting and public relations graduate from Buffalo State College. This logo represents the letter "H" in a 3-D form giving it depth and make simple. Simple, the desgin foucas on staying simple and connected to the trendy transitions of the new generation. There are shades on the other letters as well.
Sketch Two: This logo representents a major factor from sketch one which is again the name "Hamza." Sketch two foucases on opposing skectch one and be messy with the letter written in a more curvy way. The shades surrounding it will give it a shape and color. This skecth is not simple and will use many different levels of shades.
Skecth Three: This log represents a complety different idea where its a bullet with the name "Hamza" and an "X" behind it shaped like a dimond. The skectch also have shades on the sides of the bullet and the letter "H." The rest of the letters will be written with a normal organzied font. The colors for the project will be braigth colors.
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