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Final Products

 1. Resume  The idea behind the resume is to keep it simple. The boxes give the reader a sense of where to start reading and follow the way to the end. The most important stuff is bolded.  2. Flyer  The topic of the flyer is to stand against the discrimination the Transgender community face in our society. The colors here are bright to catch the reader's attention. There is also a call to action which satisfies the flyer's importance.  3. Brouchre: This brochure covers a well-known restaurant in Western New York, Buffalo exactly which is Duff's Famous Wings. The design focuses on using dark colors along with bright colors. The brochure gives the reader more information about the restaurant and talks briefly about their most famous dishes.  4. Postcard  this postcard represents Hamza Al-Qaisiah. Photoshop was used to cut the music icons and illustrator was used to creating the graphics under the text box. This postcard  tells us where Hamza is from...

Latest Posts

Three Sketches

Postcard Thumbnails

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